Stars by Stevie I am done - I am giving up
Stars by Stevie is no more.
That version of me, not feeling enough, guilty for wanting more, tempted to retreat because comfort feels good. Whispering it won’t last, it can’t get better.
She can shout and keep me small.
But truth is, she’s scared, unfamiliar with the good, safe, peaceful abundance already here for her.
I’m learning to embrace this beautiful life, training that part of me: it’s okay to be here, safe to have this.
Here’s the thing they don’t always tell you in self-development and manifesting: the work is ongoing, the curtain can be drawn in an instant. You create and remove.
You achieve, realise this moment heals you to embrace the vastness of creation without fearing its loss. It doesn’t define your worth.
P.S. I’m not going anywhere, sharing to remind: don’t value the inner critic, a blip, wobble. Dance through. Imagine if I’d quit on myself! Don't quit on you now!
This wobble isn’t you. It passes. The less value you give IT, the more YOU attract—the unwobbled YOU.
Working with the moon changed me. If I can hold this beautiful life today, so can you. Believe me If I can do it, so can you. I've been so scared at times. But, I am here to share my story. I can't wait to hear yours and see yours come to life.
Imagine from then to now, envision what’s next… my latest vision board. It’s coming, proven, a process I live and breathe. I've reached 100's of you. Trust the plan; it unfolds beyond imagination when you believe.
In this moment, accomplished, satisfied, free. I want more of you to feel this, to choose new beliefs, to choose themselves—worth more than thoughts or past moments. To finally decided you can do this. You are the universe!
Join me in subscribing to your dream life; doors close midnight 09/07. Don’t quit on you!
Catch me on the zoom call 10/07, 19:30. Let’s do this together.
Love from a healing, messy, moon-crazy manifestor who will ever be believing in anything is possible even when I struggle to believe I know deep down the lives we want to create can come true I've done it I am doing it,
Stevie x
Ps or maybe never have met you!